A private network... with real integrity

Let's do social networking properly

(To join, just get a sponsorship link from any existing associate.)

Expect more from the Web

Are you new here?

Welcome to OVAR.site! Easy and honest social networking designed to secure a Web that works for everyone.

What do we offer?

OVAR.site is an online social networking service that is:

But on top of all of that, with OVAR.site you get:

your own, personal

Advertising Agency

The Web is supposedly "disruptive"...

Yet ads placed just for you to see are still making money... for someone else?


OVAR.site collects ad fees for you. With your support, we can return many hundreds of dollars/pounds etc. per person per year. And our USP is the most disruptive notion to hit the Web in twenty years:

We guarantee to act always and only in your own best interests, to protect your financial opportunties, privacy, and informational empowerment.