The Manifesto:

A truly free Web

must be free from conflicts of interest

The Web's "free" ("as is") model has been entirely good for some: peak Facebook $1 trillion, Amazon $2 trillion, Google $2 trillion, etc. But less good for you? serves your online interests professionally

We do not try to escape our responsibilities "as is". We value your patronage and, given the opportunity, we will serve faithfully as your agents with all the care and fidelity that the law demands from professional associations.

As agents, we must operate to a higher standard than anyone else. For example, if we ever sold your private data to third parties without your express and informed consent—it would constitute a criminal offence that could send us to prison.

While for the top "free" networking sites... that's their business model.

Expect more from the Web

Demand Professionalism

If, by accepting something "free" you make big profits for someone else, then you must be:

  1. somehow giving away something that's worth far more than what you're getting; and
  2. surrendering an array of legal protections that took centuries to establish.

A sneaky and pernicious con...

When you agree to "free" services, doled out "as is" and wrapped up in a tissue of small print, you let yourself be cast in the role of supplicant. That is the weakest possible legal position. All you can ever be is grateful for whatever you get, good or bad. Because whatever goes wrong: (1) you agreed to it and (2) it's technically all worthless anyway.

Yet you are essential to the fortunes of the network giants. More than merely attracting you in, they actively spy on you. And that's expensive to do! But it's worth it. Divide their five trillion by one billion post-industrial consumers and each of us has given (or leaked) $5,000 plus operating costs to just Facebook, Google and Amazon alone. Yet you can't evaluate any trade-offs since they deny you as much information as possible (they believe in their privacy) and you accepted their services "as is".

There's a better way of doing things

Rather than dazzle you with cheap baubles to divert your attention from the huge value of your online traffic, simply offers to collect it all for you as your professional agent.

This position is tightly regulated in law. As your agents it would be criminal for us to take your worth for our own benefit, even if cloaked by small-print Terms & Conditions or by following hidden motives. We are subject to the most mature Commercial Law jurisdiction in the world and the Agency Laws of England and Wales and require us to protect you, our Principal, by always:

Just imagine how the power of the Web could be leveraged if it started operating like that! But why would you accept less?

Our offer to you offers to serve as your Agents online, protecting your interests and collecting for your exclusive benefit as much of the worth of your traffic as our web platforms are capable of handling, while protecting your other associated interests (in particular your privacy).

Our Interests—and how they align with yours

While you receive 100% of ad revenues, we may charge credit-card like fees to businesses where you spend at least some of them. (The more you get: the more we get.) We also micro-charge for some optional activities like on-site messaging. This discourages over-sharing and status spam, while providing us a small yet valuable income.

We expect all these fees to amount to about 2% of total revenues (we will report back on that!) and for that opportunity alone, we would be proud, grateful—and highly incentivised—to serve you.